Buffalo Center
Two Day
Sapp Machinery Auction
2409 Highway 9, Buffalo Center, Iowa
Thursday December 7th at 10:00 a.m.
Early Listing!
Tractors, Skidloaders, Backhoes, and Loaders: John Deere 4960 (MFWD, 7805 hours, Good Rubber, Duals, Nice!), John Deere 4640 (4500 hours, PS, Good Rubber), John Deere 60 (Restored, New Rubber, Power Steering), John Deere 40 (Restored, New Rubber, Three Point, Weights), John Deere B, International 3388 2+2, Farmall 806 with Koyker Loader, Farmall 350 Diesel (Good Rubber, Rear Weights), Allis Chalmers D15 w/ Belly Mower, Allis Chalmers WD (WF), Massey Harris 33, Minnneapolis Moline ZA, Ford 9N, Kamlar Forklift, Case 1845C (Cab, Heat, 3140 hours, Nice), Case 580 Super K Backhoe (6306 hours), Case CK 580 Backhoe (Gas), John Deere 450 Crawler, Stanhoist Loader, Westendorf WL-42 Loader, 8’ Gnuse Bucket, Skidloader Grapple Buckets, more..
Combines and Heads: Case IH 2388 Combine (4678 Engine Hours, 3470 Separator Hours, Duals, Chopper), International 1460 Combine (4856), New Holland TR86 Combine, ’87 John Deere 7720 Combine, John Deere 6620 Combine (3688 hours), John Deere 643 Corn Head, John Deere 443 Corn Head, John Deere 930 F Platform, John Deere 925 Platform, John Deere 218 Platform, New Holland 873 Platform, more.
Wagons, and Grain Handling: Parker 705 Wagon,Two Parker 5500 Wagons, Two Parker 2500 Wagons, Killbros 350 Gravity Wagon, Parker 2000 Gravity Wagon, Two EZ Flow Wagons, Brent 874 Gran Cart (Tarp, Scale), Brent 420 Grain Cart, Batco PS2500 Drive Over Conveyor,
Tillage and Planting Equipment: John Deere 2700 Ripper (5 Shank), IH 720 Plow (4 Bottom), John Deere 230 Disk (22’), IH 490 Disk, White 273 Disk, White 271 Disk (22 ½’), Mel-Cam Rock Picker, John Deere 1100 Field Cultivator, Case IH 4300 Field Cultivator (45’), John Deere 980 Field Cultivator (32 ½’, Three Bar Harrow), Glencoe Field Cultivator (24’), White 5100 Planter (12 row, Vertical Fold), IH 183 Cultivator (12 row, 30”), IH 183 Cultivator (8 row, 30”), more..
Hay and Livestock Equipment: Roto Grind 760 Grinder (Nice), Artsway 240B Stalk Chopper, Woods Cadet 60 Pull type brush cutter, Gehl Pull type Silage Chopper, Sitrex Columbia TR9-S Rake, Farmhand Silage Wagon, New Hayrack Tops, New Hayrack on John Deere, Westendorf 12 ton gear, New Idea Ground Driven Manure Spreader, IH 110 Silage Wagon, Meyers 500 Silage Wagon, more.
Semis, Trailers, Vehicles and Other: ’75 GMC with Omaha Standard Box, Muvall Semi-trailer, ‘08 Hand H Speedloader MX, 20’ Gooseneck Livestock Trailer, 8×12 Shed, ’12 Chevrolet Impala (Needs Transmission Work), ’10 Toyota Prius (Parts Car), 20’ Storage Containers.
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To consign call Hallberg Auction